🗓 Date & Time: 11. February, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Dr. Emilia Palonen on ''Populism, Twitter and the European Public Sphere: Social Media Communication in the EP Elections 2019.''
Dr. Emilia Palonen will present her latest co-edited book with Juha Herkman, exploring the role of populism and social media in shaping political discourse during the 2019 European Parliament elections. Using real-time Twitter data from seven EU countries, the study redefines populism as an antagonistic political identity and examines transnational and Eurosceptic narratives.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 04. February, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to an engaging discussion with Damian Boeselager, Member of the European Parliament (Volt), as part of the "Europe in the World" lecture series.
Damian Boeselager will provide insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the European Union, touching on key issues such as democracy, EU policies, and the role of young people in shaping Europe’s future. The discussion will offer a chance to ask questions, exchange perspectives, and explore the broader impact of EU decision-making on our daily lives. This event is an opportunity to engage in an open and dynamic dialogue on the future of Europe with an active policymaker.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 28. January, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Evgeny Roshchin (Princeton University) on ''Drafting a Democratic Constitution for Russia: Learning from the Past, Looking into the Future''
Evgeny Roshchin will explore efforts to draft a new constitution for Russia amidst President Putin’s dominance. Together with Greg Yudin and Artemy Magun, he has proposed a framework to replace the heavily amended 1993 constitution, focusing on limiting presidential power, decentralizing authority, and strengthening federalism. The draft envisions a governance system grounded in democracy, accountability, and international cooperation, offering a hopeful blueprint for Russia's future.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 21. January, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Thomas Tödtling on "Geopolitical Tensions & Polycrisis: What Future for Multilateralism?''.
The world is confronted with several global crises. At thesame time we face a massive increase of geopoliticaltensions, great power competition, and a lack of trust inmultilateral solutions to those international challenges.Hence, the question is what kind of future there is formultilateralism and what is needed to make multilateralismready to deal with those challenges.
Thomas Tödtling, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation New York, will examine these issues, offeringan assessment of the current state of multilateralism andinsights into its potential evolution amid today’s global uncertainties.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 26. November, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Peter Schmidt on his latest co-edited book, ''Thirty Years After the Berlin Wall: German Unification and Transformation Research''.
The book examines the enduring differences and evolving social dynamics in the regions that once made up the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Even thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the research highlights the varied impacts of the unification process on mental health, political attitudes, and work-life structures, analyzed through advanced statistical methodologies.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 19. November 2024, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
Andrea Gawrich (Justus Liebig University Giessen) and Michèle Knodt (Technical University Darmstadt) will discuss their contributions to the open-access book ''The War Against Ukraine and the EU: Facing New Realities'' edited by Claudia Wiesner and Michèle Knodt:
Andrea Gawrich will provide insights into Ukraine's EU accession process amidst the ongoing war, highlighting the challenges faced by the EU in defending democracy and the rule of law while simultaneously striving to prove its geopolitical capacities.
Michèle Knodt will discuss how the war has transformed EU energy policy, focusing on efforts to reduce dependence on Russian energy and advance sustainable and secure alternatives, including initiatives like REPowerEU.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 12. November 2024, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 217
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Ekkehard Griep and Matthias Eiles on ''The United Nation's Pact for the Future- Results and Implications''.
Eiles and Griep, are members of the The United Nations Association of Germany, UNA-Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen – DGVN), a non-profit association that promotes the United Nations and the vision of a peaceful word. The lecture will discuss the contents and implications of the Pact for the Future, which was adopted at the UN’s Summit of the Future in September 2024 and aims to address global challenges.
For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible by contacting zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 04. November 2024, 18:00-19:30
📍 Location: Hochschulzentrum Fulda Transfer, Großer Seminarraum 3a, Heinrich-v.-Bibra-Platz 1b, 37037 Fulda
💻 Online Participation: Available via muriel.pluschke@sk.hs-fulda.de
Join us for an insightful lecture that explores the cutting-edge intersection of biotechnology and social futures. In this talk, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lemke will delve into the fascinating world of cryopreservation—the technology of freezing organic material—and its role in shaping future possibilities. By examining "frozen zoos" and the freezing of human eggs, Prof. Lemke highlights how these technologies are part of a broader practice of anticipation, allowing societies to manage biological futures.
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with the profound implications of these practices for society and the future of life itself. Whether in person or online, your participation will contribute to a lively discussion about how we manage and anticipate the challenges of tomorrow.
We look forward to seeing you there!
🗓 Date & Time: 23 January 2024, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Christina Müller from the Dubai/London Stock Exchange on the topic " International finance and international politics: Professional experiences" scheduled for January 23, from 17:00 to 18:30.
Christina Müller, with her extensive professional background at both the Dubai and London Stock Exchanges, will provide attendees with a detailed and seasoned perspective on the intricate relationship between international finance and politics.
The lecture will be held online and streamed in Building 22, Room 302.
Online participation is also possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 16. January 2024, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Philipp Harfst from the University of Göttingen on the topic "What is Political Legitimacy? Internal and External Dimensions and Comparative Findings" scheduled for January 16, from 17:00 to 18:30..
Philipp Harfst will delve into the empirical investigation of a two-dimensional approach to political legitimacy research, bridging the institutionalist and political culture perspectives. By combining external normative and internal empirical perspectives, he will explore the relationship between these dimensions in an internationally comparative framework.
The lecture will take place in Building 22, Room 302. For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming lecture by Yannis Xenakis on the topic "Europe Wants to Progress United," scheduled for December 19, from 17:00 to 18:30.
Despite populist criticism, doubts about Europe’s future, and challenges to its values, Yannis Xenakis will delve into how the people of Europe aspire to progress united in the pursuit of peace and prosperity. The lecture will explore Europe’s significant economic achievements, including the internal market, a single currency, solidarity mechanisms for crisis management, and global leadership in the effort to save the planet.
The lecture will be held online and simultaneously live-streamed in Room 302 in Building 22 at Hochschule Fulda. For those unable to attend in person, online participation is possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
Wir möchten Sie herzlich zu dem Vortrag "EU-Großmachtambitionen – real und wenn nötig mit militärischer Gewalt" von Özlem Demirel, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments, am 05. Dezember von 17:00 bis 18:30 Uhr, einladen.
Özlem Demirel wird einen tiefgehenden Einblick in die historischen Hintergründe der EU-Militarisierung geben, beginnend beim Pleven-Plan von 1952 bis zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen unter der Leitung von Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen. Der Vortrag wird die geopolitische Ausrichtung der EU sowie die Dringlichkeit einer Europäischen Verteidigungsunion eingehend beleuchten. Ebenso werden besorgniserregende Signale im Kontext globaler Machtspannungen thematisiert, darunter der aktuelle Krieg in der Ukraine und der Machtkampf um den afrikanischen Kontinent.
Eine Online-Teilnahme ist unter zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de möglich. Für diejenigen, die vor Ort sein möchten, wird die Vorlesung auch live im Raum 302 im Gebäude 22 an der Hochschule Fulda gestreamt.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und anregende Diskussionen.
We are delighted to invite you to to the second lecture by Ignacio Nuno Molina, on November 28th from 17:00 to 18:30. Molina, representing the Council of the European Union, will share his insights on "Shaping Tomorrow: EU's Role in a Dynamic World." The discussion will delve into the European Union's pivotal role in addressing contemporary global challenges and its influence in shaping the future of international relations.
The lecture will take place in Building 22, Room 302. For those unable to attend in person, online participation is also possible via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de. Your presence and insights would undoubtedly contribute to the depth of our discussion.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 14. November 2023, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de14
We warmly invite you to our first lecture "University Tour in the Run-up to the European Elections 2024," by the European Parliament Liaison Office in Germany on November 14th, from 17:00 to 18:30.
Featuring expert insights from Michael Gahler, a Member of the European Parliament, and Elizabeth Pender and Julia Thunecke from the Liaison Office, this lecture provides a valuable platform for engaging in a meaningful discussion on the European Union's role and the upcoming elections.
Whether you prefer to attend online or in person, our hybrid approach ensures accessibility, with the lecture live-streamed in Room 302, Building 22 at Hochschule Fulda.
We look forward to your participation and engaging discussions.
🗓 Date & Time: 07. February 2023, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de
As the last event of our lecture series will be a presentation of the results of Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesner's research sabbatical. Prof. Wiesner will talk about what she found out in her research semester in summer semester 2022. After the presentation there will also be time for questions and discussion. The presentation will take place at Fulda University of Applied Sciences in room 22.302. Since the event is hybrid, you can also participate online. For online participation please register here.
🗓 Date & Time: 31. January 2023, 17:00-18:00
📍 Location: Online
💻 Online Participation: Available via maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de
Reinhard Bütikofer, another Member of the European Parliament (Greens), will virtually visit Fulda University of Applied Sciences. He will talk about his work in the European Parliament and in this context discuss the role the European Union plays in the war against Ukraine and how his work is related to that. There will also be room for questions after the presenation. The visit will be online, if you wish you are also welcome to watch the streaming on-site at Fulda University of Applied Sciences (room 22.302). For online participation please register here.
🗓 Date & Time: 24. January 2023, 17:00-18:00
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de
Sven Simon, Member of the European Parliament (EPP), will virtually visit Fulda University of Applied Sciences. He will talk about his work in the European Parliament, with a special focus on his work on international relations, partners and trade. This visit will be online-only. If you wish to participate, please register here.
🗓 Date & Time: 16. January 2023, 19:00-20:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de
David Chandler, Professor of International Relations of University of Westminster visits us at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. Everyone interested is welcome to join the lecture and discussion. It is possible to either participate on-site or online. For an online participation, please register here.
🗓 Date & Time: 20. December 2022, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de
We will welcome Emilia Palonen at Fulda University of Applied Sciences where she will reference on "Populism: a Threat or Challenge to Democracy". Everybody who is interested is welcome to join the lecture as well as the discussion that will follow.
Since the event is hybrid, you can also participate online. If you wish to participate online, please register here.
🗓 Date & Time: 05. December 2022, 19:00-20:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de
Muge Kinacioglu (Leiden University) will visit Fulda University of Applied Sciences to give a lecture on "Global Challenges: The Russia-Ukraine Conflict". The lecture will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
For online participation please register here.
🗓 Date & Time: 02. December 2022, 09:50-11:20
📍 Location: Online
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
The guest of our first event of the lecture series "Politics and Policy in the EU" is Dr. Amrei Bahr of Heinrich-Heine Univesity Düsseldorf. All faculty students of Fulda University of Applied Sciences and everyone interested is warmly invited to join the discussion.
If you wish to participate, please register here.
🗓 Date & Time: 29. November 2022, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de
Cordial invitation to the book presentation and discussion "Democracy and Freedom of Speech" with René Pfister
René Pfister, journalist (Der Spiegel) and author will visit Fulda University of Applied Sciences on 29.11.2022 and discuss the topic of freedom of expression with us. All interested parties are cordially invited!
The event will start at 17:00 (end around 18:30) and will take place in building 22, room 302.
It is also possible to participate in the event online. To do so, please register at maria.keller@sk.hs-fulda.de.
We look forward to seeing you there!
🗓 Date & Time: 27. January 2022, 17:00-18:30
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
The European Commission has found Google to be dominant on various internet markets and between 2017 and 2019 adopted three decisions against Google, condemning as abuses of Google's dominant position various practices relating to; the promotion of Google’s own specialised services in search results, Google’s exploitation of the Android operating system for mobile devices and Google’s imposition of exclusivity requirements towards certain customers of its internet advertising service.
The talk will explain the conceptual and practical challenges relating to the application of EU competition law to the internet, through the process of lengthy investigations conducted by the European Commission, followed by litigation before the European Courts. The talk will also consider how competition law enforcement fits into the wider policy concerns about the dominance of internet services by a few companies, looking ahead to the regulatory initiatives now being taken in Member States and by the EU’s proposed Digital Markets Act.
🗓 Date & Time: 20. January 2022, 09:50-11:20
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
The public is a sphere with special features. This special space between state and society does not exist per se but needs to be brought to life and be cultivated - again and again. Both, state and society struggle with silos, which in part can only be brought to mutual exchange through major efforts. This raises the responsibility of the citizens, especially in the face of the upcoming systemic transformations, which demand participatory impact assessment and collaborative governance.
All of us can build bridges and open new horizons for deliberation: By broadening our imagination, we can reconsider the existing, question assumptions and create something new.
New architectures for decision-making have to be designed with anticipation and by co-creation - in order to change the way in which public administration and politics deal with complexities and capacities. Too much too ask or a prerequisite for a common future? Caroline Paulick-Thiel will present selected examples from her work with Politics for Tomorrow and open them for debate.
🗓 Date & Time: 18. November 2021, 09:50-13:45
📍 Location: Online
The European Commission will virtually visit Fulda University of Applied Sciences and the master students of Intercultural Communication and European Studies. Three different topics will be
1. EU-Asylum Policy presented by Unit Asylum of the Directorate general for Migration and Home Affairs
2. The Green Deal (achieving climate neutrality and financing the transition) presented by the Unit Climate Finance, Mainstreaming, Montreal Protocol by the Directorate general Climate Action
3. Development and cooperation presented by the Unit Political Strategy and Communication by the Directorate general International Partnerships
🗓 Date & Time: 09. December 2021, 09:50-11:20
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
"How gender responsive were Finland's covid-19 recovery policies", Dr. Anna Elomäki
"Large-Scale and Green? The German Covid-19 Stimulus Package in international comparison", Prof. Dr. Stefan Wurster
"The German covid-rescue package and gender equality", Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesner
The second event of the lecture series politics and policies in the EU focuses on covid rescue packages that were introduced in response to the covid-19 pandemic. There will be a focus on how gender-repsonsive these packages were by using Germany and Finland as an example.Everyone is welcomed to participate and discuss with our three presenters, Dr. Anna Elomäki (Tampere University, Finland); Prof. Dr. Stefan Wurster (TUM, Germany); Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiesner (Fulda University of Applied Sciences).
🗓 Date & Time: 16. December 2021, 09:50-11:20
📍 Location: Hochschule Fulda, Building 22, Room 302
💻 Online Participation: Available via zhylien.kaja@sk.hs-fulda.de
This week's guest is Prof. Dr. Klaus Armingeon of University of Zurich. He will present a paper that he has written together with the collegues (Caroline de la Porte; Elke Heins; and Stefano Sacchi) and will focus on the recovery fund Next Generation EU which has been established in response to the economic crisis resulting from the covid-19-pandemic.
You are welcome to join and discuss with us.
30 November 2021, 17:10-18:40
We are very happy to announce that MEP of Hesse, Engin Eroglu, is coming to Fulda University of Applied Sciences to talk to students of the Department of Social and Cultural Studies and answer their questions. He is member of the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. All interested students are welcome to participate and ask questions.
We are looking forward to an interesting visit and discussion!
- European Commission, "Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der Europäischen Union" ("Rule of Law in the European Union"), by Annegret Kempf (Unit JUST.C.1 – Judicial policy and rule of law, Directorate-General Justice)
- European Commission, "The pact on migration", by Giuliana Benedetto (Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs)
- Council of the European Union, 22nd of June 2021, "Die Rolle des Europäischen Rates und des Rates der Europäischen Union innerhalb der europäischen Institutionen" ("Role of the European Council and the Council of the European Union within the European Institutions"), by Thomas Brandtner (Head of Unit of the Directorate-General Economic and Competition)
- European Commission, 6th of July 2021, "Die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas" ("The Conference on the Future of Europe"), by Steffen Schulz (Directorate-General Communication)
- European Commission, 6th of July 2021, "Promoting Human Rights", by Luigia Di Gisi (European External Action Service)
Icons by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project