- European Commission, "Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der Europäischen Union" ("Rule of Law in the European Union"), by Annegret Kempf (Unit JUST.C.1 – Judicial policy and rule of law, Directorate-General Justice)
- European Commission, "The pact on migration", by Giuliana Benedetto (Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs)
- Council of the European Union, 22nd of June 2021, "Die Rolle des Europäischen Rates und des Rates der Europäischen Union innerhalb der europäischen Institutionen" ("Role of the European Council and the Council of the European Union within the European Institutions"), by Thomas Brandtner (Head of Unit of the Directorate-General Economic and Competition)
- European Commission, 6th of July 2021, "Die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas" ("The Conference on the Future of Europe"), by Steffen Schulz (Directorate-General Communication)
- European Commission, 6th of July 2021, "Promoting Human Rights", by Luigia Di Gisi (European External Action Service)
Icons by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project